facing the giants中文什么意思

发音:   用"facing the giants"造句
  • facing:    n. 1.【建筑】饰面,面层,覆盖面 ...
  • giant:    n. 1.巨人;大汉。 2.巨兽;巨 ...
  • giants:    巨人队; 巨人族
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  1. Facing the giant business opportunity and the demand of human talents during transforming times , we point out the resolution policy through predicting and analyzing of such kinds of people
  2. Wang , who has never faced the giants , was brilliant against the new york mets on sunday , holding them to two runs on six hits , while striking out a career - best 10 batters in 8 2 / 3 innings
    小王还没有面对过巨人,他在上周日对上纽约大都会时表现精彩,在82 / 3局中,让对手只打出6支安打失了二分,而他那场的三振率更是他生涯目前新高的10人次。
  3. The constructing paint that faces the giant market , opportunity and challenge is keep both , risk and pressure is existed simultaneously , appear competition vehemence that abroad brand , joint - venture brand with domestic brand keep tripod straight


  1. facing switch (point) machine 什么意思
  2. facing the enemies within 什么意思
  3. facing the enemy 什么意思
  4. facing the garden 什么意思
  5. facing the giant 什么意思
  6. facing the loneness 什么意思
  7. facing the morning eye to eye 什么意思
  8. facing the music 什么意思
  9. facing tile 什么意思
  10. facing tile institute 什么意思


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